Men Of Faith
On April 10, 2018 MOFAB Inc kicked off a anti-bully campaign and adopted rebuilding our faith with a focus on Nehemiah 4 overcoming threats in partnerships with local schools

Our Story
As member of his church and the Men’s Fellowship Rev Stephen Bailey and themen of the church, he attends agreed to partner with a local school that is located across the street from the church. To fulfill the vision of bringing Bullyingawareness to the local school required certain guidelines and policies that had to be considered. After facing legal challenges that would make the church a liability RevBailey decided not to allow that to discourage him from moving forward with the vision. He decided not to bullied by the spirt of discouragement because the young peopleneeded the support and they were worth the sacrifice. A PG county school board official recommended that an off-site event would be a good idea because it was not on school property. Using his own resources and the support of family and friends in March 2019 MOFAB sponsored an Anti Bullying Prayer Breakfast for members, students, parents and the community. The event was great success and was adopted by MOFAB to be an annual event during the month of October which is the national Anti-Bully Month. Rev Bailey was advised by a financial advisor that If he intended to continue to support the youth in the future he should start a nonprofit to help offset the total use of his personalresources. From this vision MOFAB Inc. (Men of Faith against Bullying) was founded.Reverend Bailey immediately reached out to his cousin Dr. James Peterson Ed D MHS Assistance research professor Building Community Resilience Initiative Milken School of Public Health George Washington University, Ms Shelia Johnson CEO/ Owner Strategic Economics Solutions, LLC and Ms. Yevola Peters trainer/Developer/Consultant certified Instructor for Dr Thomas Gordon effectiveness Training for Personal and Professional Development as advisors to start shaping of MOFAB. His Aunt Patricia Richards retired owner and operator of ????? childcare was MOFAB first board member.
The MOFAB model believes that EVERYONE HAS A PART IN BULLY PREVENTION AND AWARENESS. It’s not just up to the schools and teachers. It’s up to the entire community to play a role. MOFAB will support the healthy development of children and youth through their shared values of acceptance, tolerance, and mutual respect. Faith communities can also greatly influence how children and youth deal with bullying and other forms of aggression they experience and or witness. The MOFAB will cultivate both tolerant messages of their religious beliefs as well as create comforting safe havens for children and their families. We will use our skills, positions, and resources to show prevention strategies through modeling behavior and faith-based messages. The MOFAB strives to model tolerance, respect, and loving support for others, seek ways of peace, and defend those in need. Faith leaders can relate these stories directly to the roles of children and youth involved in bullying.

Although everyone shares the responsibility of making our communities friendly safe, and desirable places to live MOFAB will support the healthy development of children and youth through shared values of acceptance, tolerance, and mutual respect
The MOFAB will cultivate both tolerant messages of their religious beliefs as well as create comforting safe havens for children and their families. We will use our skills, positions and resources to show tolerance, respect, and loving support.